International Laboratory
of Architecture
& Urban Design

Workshops / 
March 26-27, 2022
I4M Resilient Rural-Urban Linkages
Figuig and the Oasis towns of Morocco: Towards a sustainable and resilient territorial development
Figuig et les Villes Oasis au Maroc:
Vers un développement territorial durable et resilient’

On the 26 March 2022, ILAUD has signed a 3-year MoU of cooperation with My African Competition, the École Nationale d’Architecture d’Oudja and the Municipality of Figuig in the Oriental Region of Morocco in occasion of the seminar ‘Figuig et les Villes Oasis au Maroc: Vers un développement territorial durable et resilient, hosted at the ENA of Oujda.

In the following day a fact-finding mission was organized in Figuig to gather local information and visit strategic sites with the view to organize a series of research activities during 2022, including a participatory workshop between 30 May and 4 June 2022.


Oasis of Figuig, Oriental Region of Morocco. Photo credit: Giulio Verdini.
Oasis of Figuig, Oriental Region of Morocco. Photo credit: Giulio Verdini.



Project Coordinators: Giulio Verdini, Pilar Guerrieri, Paolo Ceccarelli.

International Laboratory
of Architecture
& Urban Design


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