International Laboratory
of Architecture
& Urban Design

 / June 28, 2015
Modern architecture and the city

ILAUD participated in the workshop “Modern architecture and cities” organized in Montevideo by the School of Architecture of the University of the Republic within the framework of several Red Alvar “Patrimonio y Proyecto” initiatives.

The theme concerned the problems posed to the organization and functioning of Latin American cities, and  specifically to Montevideo,  by the application of many principles of modern architecture relating to the location of functions and the zoning of land use,  the conception and the organization of public and private space,  formal language. Montevideo, with its development phases, the strong international openness and the importance of its architectural culture has been an interesting laboratory with respect to many of these problems. The workshop focused on the problems of reorganizing functional and symbolic relationships within an important central area, A part of the city characterized by the presence of relevant contemporary architectures disconnected from each other and unable to form an urban fabric suitable for today’s social life. The reading experience of a large contemporary city made by ILAUD in 2009 in the workshop in Curitiba was very useful.

Universidad de la Républica, Montevideo,
Universities of the Red Alvar “Patrimonio y Proyecto”,

International Laboratory
of Architecture
& Urban Design


First Contact
