International Laboratory
of Architecture
& Urban Design

At the end of September 2019, a seminar entitled "The movable frontier of architectural education" was held in Milan to define the future agenda of ILAUD concerning actions to be taken relative to new environmental, social and cultural situations in the world.
Paolo Ceccarelli
Termina il 17 ottobre 2021 / 
Un concorso per reinventare i luoghi e le comunità del futuro
Proloco Gavorrano
La scatola di Connie
Per ricordare Etra Occhialini (31 marzo 1951-3 luglio 2019)
Paolo Ceccarelli
March 26-27, 2022 / 
I4M Resilient Rural-Urban Linkages
Figuig and the Oasis towns of Morocco: Towards a sustainable and resilient territorial development
5/07/20 / 
MIT professor Tunney Lee, an architect, urban planner, and historian of Chinatown, dies at 88
Bryan Marquard
Scadenza del bando: 28/02/2021 / 
Premio di studio Etra "Connie" Occhialini. A.A. 2020/2021
Università degli studi di Ferrara
1st Residential course
March 2021 / 
Etra "Connie" Occhialini award 2020/21: video winner
Lisboa's Terraços do carmo
Expected in 2021 / 
The role of the informal sector in formal urban systems
The workshop will entered on Merkato, the huge open-air market in the heart of the city
1980-1982 / 
A project for Genova
A real laboratory must know how to deal with the reality from which it draws its main lifeblood to be a research and training bench not only for the youngest

International Laboratory
of Architecture
& Urban Design


First Contact
